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Assessment, diagnosis, care and support for people with dementia and their carers (SIGN) (in devt)

The toolkit covers: the identification and diagnosis of dementia, investigative procedures, post-diagnostic support, non-pharmacological distressed behaviours, grief and dementia, the changing needs of people with dementia, and palliative approaches. This toolkit summarises the evidence-based recommendations in SIGN 168: Assessment, diagnosis, care and support for people with dementia and their carers.

Recommendations are highlighted throughout the toolkit in green boxes with the following symbols:

R – a recommendation based on research evidence, or the expert opinion of the professionals and people with lived experience on the guideline development group

Good practice point symbol  Good practice point - suggestions for good practice based on experience of the guideline development group.

Information point icon  Information points - to support informed discussion with people with dementia or suspected dementia, their families and carers, are denoted throughout the guideline with this symbol.

This toolkit is currently in pilot mode to gather stakeholder feedback.